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Refine and clarify our scope of business, iwi vision, purpose and core values. Create an organisation and develop capabilities that reflect our people and place in Te Hiku, Aotearoa, the world. Develop and strengthen the structure and working relationships with collective Iwi organisations, co-governance arrangements and within the wider political, regulatory and social-economic environment. Continue to maintain our Administration and Management Operations.
Ko Mataatua me Te Arawa ngā waka. Ko Ruaihona te whare tīpuna. Ko Ngai Tamaoki me Ngāti Tarāwhai ngā hapu. Te Runanga O Ngati Awa 2010.
News from out of the rohe? Restoration work at Te Rewatu. Ko te Marae o Rewatu tenei e tu ana ki roto i te rohe o Ngati Pukeko, ko Ngai Tamapare te Hapu, ko Uemia te tipuna Whare, ko Tapa te whare kai, ko Putauaki te Maunga ko Ohinemataroa te Awa, ko Ngatiawa te Iwi, ko Mataatua te Waka. Welcome to our site! Ueimua the whare tipuna has been restored. The official opening was on the Saturday of Labour Weekend 2011.
Ko Ngati Awa te iwi. Ko Ngai Tamawera, Ngati Nuku, Ngati. Ko Uiraroa te tipuna whare. Ko Tauwhitu te whare kai. Ko Hinerauhuia te whakaruruhau manaaki manuhiri. Ko te Papa i Kerei te papa whenua. Te Runanga O Ngati Awa 2010.
Te Whanau a Tauwhao ki Rangiwaea. Ngāi Tamawhariua ki te Rangihouhiri. Ngāi Tamawhariua ki te Rereatukahia. Te Whānau a Tauwhao ki Otawhiwhi. Ngāi Tukairangi me Ngāti Kuku ki Whareroa. Nau Mai Haere Mai Whakatau Mai. KO NGĀI TE RANGI TE IWI. Papaki tū ana ngā tai ki Mauao. I whakanukunukuhia, i whakanekenekehia. I whiua rerehia e Hotu a Wahinerua ki te wai.